XS Size: Toy Breeds and Puppies, 15-43.3 cm (14pcs)
S Size: Pekingese Shih Tzu, 30-48cm (12pcs)
M Size: Cocker Spaniel Schnauzer, 45-63 cm (10pcs)
L Size: German Shepherd Weimaraner, 63-80 cm (8pcs)
XS Size : Toy Breeds and Young Puppies, 22-40cm(18pcs)2-3kg
S Size : Miniature Pinscher, Pekingese, Maltese, 26-46cm(16pcs)3-5kg
M Size : Cocker Spaniel, Miniature Poodle, Beagle, Sheltie, 30-50 cm(14pcs)5-8kg
L Size : Basset Hound, Collie, Bulldog, Springer Spaniel, 34-54 cm(12pcs)7-10kg
XL Size: Retriever, German Shepherd, Boxer, Dalmatian, 38-58 cm (10pcs) 10-15kg
Highlights :
Convenient to wear
Fast absorption
Made to fit
Special for females in season
Untrained puppies
Excitable urination